Source code for
from prettytable import PrettyTable
import inspect
import datetime
import functools
from .date import Date
def dict_to_obj_str(d: dict) -> str:
"""Return the string representation of a dictionary"""
res = ""
for k, v in d.items():
res += "{0:<20s}: {1:<15s}\n".format(k, str(v))
return res
def prettyTableByColumn(d: dict, align="") -> str:
Return the string representation of a dictionary in a pretty table format where
dictionary values can be either iterables for direct use or tuples where the first
element is an iterable and the second is a format string.
d (dict): Dictionary with data to be displayed by the table.
align (str): String with column alignments. Use 'l' for left, 'r' for right, and 'c' for center.
str: A string representation of the table.
# Initialize table
x = PrettyTable()
# Add columns to the table with optional formatting
for col, val in d.items():
if isinstance(val, tuple): # If the value is a tuple (iterable, format)
iterable, fmt = val
formatted_values = [format(v, fmt) for v in iterable]
x.add_column(col, formatted_values)
else: # If the value is just an iterable
x.add_column(col, val)
# Set alignment for columns if provided
if align:
align = align.ljust(len(x.field_names), ' ') # Default to left align if not enough align chars
if len(align) != len(x.field_names):
raise ValueError("Alignment string length must match the number of columns or be empty for default.")
for field_name, alignment in zip(x.field_names, align):
if alignment not in "lrc":
raise ValueError("Alignment string can only contain 'l', 'r', or 'c'")
x.align[field_name] = alignment
# Return table string representation
# return x.get_string()
def prettyTableByRow(d: dict) -> str:
"""Return the string representation of a dictionary in a pretty table format
The dictionary contains the row names as keys and the list of values as values.
x = PrettyTable()
x.field_names = ["Attribute", "Value"]
x.align["Attribute"] = "l"
x.align["Value"] = "r"
for row in d:
x.add_row([row, d.get(row)])
return x.get_string()
def datetimeToDates(func):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
new_args = [Date.from_datetime(arg) if isinstance(arg, else arg for arg in args]
new_kwargs = {k: Date.from_datetime(v) if isinstance(v, else v for k, v in kwargs.items()}
return func(*new_args, **new_kwargs)
return wrapper
class ClassUtil:
def save_attributes(self, ignore=[]):
frame = inspect.currentframe().f_back
_, _, _, local_vars = inspect.getargvalues(frame)
self.attributes = {k:v for k, v in local_vars.items()
if k not in set(ignore + ["self"]) and not k.startswith("_")}
for k, v in self.attributes.items():
setattr(self, k, v)
def resolve_dates(self, start_date, maturity_date_or_tenor):
self.start_date = Date.convert_from_datetime(start_date)
if isinstance(maturity_date_or_tenor, or isinstance(maturity_date_or_tenor, Date):
self.maturity_date = Date.convert_from_datetime(maturity_date_or_tenor)
elif isinstance(maturity_date_or_tenor, str):
self.maturity_date = self.start_date.add_tenor(maturity_date_or_tenor)
raise ValueError("maturity_date_or_tenor must be either or str")
def first_valid(self, *args):
for arg in args:
if arg is not None:
return arg
return None